Tax & Legislation opinion – Page 11

  • Alastair Currie: How to support employees making the return to work

    Alastair Currie: How to support employees making the return to work


    Owing to the pandemic, according to figures by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), an estimated 7.5 million UK jobs were put on furlough between 20 April and 10 May 2020, with that figure coming close to almost a quarter of the British population.Organisations need to be particularly sensitive when ...

  • Iskander Fernandez: Will furlough fraud be the next big scandal?

    Iskander Fernandez: Will furlough fraud be the next big scandal?


    The furlough scheme has provided vital respite for UK firms struggling to pay wages as a result of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, currently accounting for up to 80% of an employee’s wages, to a cap of £2,500 a month.However, wherever there is a complex system, there are loopholes, and some may ...

  • Thomas Clark: How share based incentives can help retain and motivate key staff

    Thomas Clark: How share-based incentives can help retain and motivate key staff


    As the economic fallout from Covid-19 (Coronavirus) becomes ever clearer, it is important businesses are aware of all the tools at their disposal that can help them survive these difficult times. One tool that has slipped under the radar and deserves greater recognition is share-based incentives. Share schemes help retain ...

  • Cacy-Leigh Neilson: The end of the furlough scheme

    Cacy-Leigh Neilson: The end of the furlough scheme


    Significant job losses and business closures are on the horizon as the end of the furlough scheme fast approaches. It is imperative that businesses consider their ability to continue to employ and pay staff now and in the coming months, which, no doubt, will become particularly precarious when the government ...

  • Michal Izak: How employers are preparing for further waves of Covid-19

    Michal Izak: How employers are preparing for further waves of Covid-19


    It is not always easy to decouple employers’ response to the ongoing Covid-19 (Coronavirus) crisis from their long-term planning in case the situation aggravates. However, many employers are putting in place three main measures, or combinations thereof, to be insulated from the direct effects of a potential second wave of ...

  • James Davies and Amy Cooper: How are employers continuing to deal with Covid-19?

    James Davies and Amy Cooper: How are employers continuing to deal with Covid-19?


    The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) crisis presents businesses with multiple challenges, including how to continue to get the best out of their workforce while keeping them safe.Many employees have had to juggle childcare and schooling responsibilities with working in makeshift home offices. The government’s furlough scheme has, meanwhile, helped preserve jobs where ...

  • Samantha Woodham: Supporting employees through a divorce

    Samantha Woodham: Supporting employees through a divorce


    42% of marriages end in divorce according to research by the Office for National Statistics, published in December 2012.If you had a blank sheet of paper, it would be hard to devise a worse process for navigating the legal side of a separation than our adversarial system. It pits couples ...

  • Kate-Martin

    Kate Martin: Managing an employee’s holiday allowance while on furlough


    With so many holidays booked and cancelled during lockdown, and there being a number of bank holidays that have fallen during this period, it has left employers wondering what is the right way to be managing employees’ holiday allowances while they are on furlough.The government guidance on taking holiday while ...

  • Nicholas Stretch: All-employee share plans – how are they faring as a benefit in the current crisis

    Nicholas Stretch: How are all-employee share plans faring as a benefit in the current crisis?


    The two widely used share plans in the UK are sharesave (SAYE) and the share incentive plan (Sip). They, like most employee benefits at the moment, are under real pressure from companies and their participants to show value for money, appeal and flexibility. After all, while employee share plans are ...

  • Helen-Watson

    Helen Watson: Business decisions during Covid-19


    With little time to prepare or plan, businesses have needed to make critical decisions while having to navigate ever-changing legislation and guidance set out by the government. This has, in turn, left many employers potentially vulnerable, with lots of business owners and managers confused about what the correct duties and ...

  • Emma Swan: Five finer details of the furlough scheme

    Emma Swan: Five finer details of the furlough scheme


    One of the biggest economic impacts of Covid-19 is the high risk of widespread job losses. Organisations are experiencing significant drops in revenue and, unfortunately, for many businesses, making redundancies is a logical first step to protect cashflow and help secure company survival.The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) is ...

  • Matthew Swynnerton: Key pension issues arising from Coronavirus

    Matthew Swynnerton: Key pension issues arising from Covid-19


    Some trustees may receive requests from sponsors to reduce, delay or suspend contributions, as employers may seek to deviate from the schedule of contributions due to cashflow concerns.Any such proposal would require the consent of the trustees, who would need to consider the members’ best interests, the scheme rules, The ...

  • Vikki Massarano: Member contributions during the pandemic

    Vikki Massarano: Member contributions during the pandemic


    The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has multiple ramifications for businesses in every sector. Its implications for pension schemes are huge. Despite the government’s confirmation in March that employer minimum auto-enrolment contributions will be covered under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) for furloughed workers, the defined contribution savings space has been ...

  • David Jones: Managing employees during Covid-19

    David Jones: Managing employees during Covid-19


    We are in unprecedented times; unchartered waters for employers. When some businesses are focused on simply keeping themselves afloat, it is important not to lose sight of the biggest asset to any business: its employees.How businesses manage their employees today is going to have a profound impact on how those ...

  • David_Jones-1

    David Jones: Managing employees during Covid-19


    We are in unprecedented times, unchartered waters for employers. With some businesses focused on simply keeping themselves afloat during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, it is important not to lose sight of the biggest asset to any business, its employees. How businesses manage their employees today is going to have a ...

  • mini setty

    Mini Setty: Guidelines for home working during Coronavirus


    Coronavirus has wrought immediate and enormous changes to working practices across the UK. As the government advises businesses and workplaces to encourage staff to work from home wherever possible, employees and employers alike are understandably rushing to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities under law.Employers have to take reasonable ...

  • Kate-Gardner_Clarke-Willmott-LLP

    Kate Gardner: What does the landmark veganism ruling mean for employers?


    In a major step forward in employment law, a tribunal has ruled that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief, meaning that an employee could rely upon veganism as one of the nine protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010.While this is great news for employees, how will it affect ...

  • Rebecca-Thornley-Gibson

    Rebecca Thornley-Gibson: Asda’s own Supermarket Sweep


    Organisations need to be agile in the way they react to change in their sector and the wider economy. However, changes inevitably have a people impact, and the current Asda employee relations dispute regarding changes to staff terms reflects the challenges in place for employers that need to maintain market ...

  • philomena-price

    Philomena Price: Employment law changes to watch out for from April 2020


    April 2020 sees some key changes coming into force that employers need to be aware of. As with any employment law matter, it is beneficial if employers start thinking about how these changes may affect their businesses now, and plan accordingly, rather than waiting.First, all workers, including employees starting work ...

  • Jayne Harrison

    Jayne Harrison: How to mitigate strike action


    Union strikes have a significant impact on business performance and reputation. The walkout by British Airways pilots in September 2019, for example, cost the organisation up to £100 million, affected almost 200,000 passengers and grounded the majority of British Airways' flights around the world. Striking is a type of industrial ...