Reagent Chemicals has become a real living wage employer, accredited by the Living Wage Foundation.

The chemical manufacturer, which has committed to paying the real living wage to all employees, including temporary and contract staff, chose to implement the standard to aid recruitment and retention, as well as a means of ensuring continued business success. It also views the real living wage as a benchmark of an ethical, responsible employer.

The living wage is an independently set hourly rate of pay, calculated according to the basic costs of living. Employers pay the living wage rate, which is updated annually, on a voluntary basis.

The real living wage is distinct from the statutory national living wage, which is currently paid to employees aged 25 and over. The current legal minimum requirement that an organisation must pay its employees currently stands at £8.72 per hour for employees over 25.

Richard Hudson, chief executive officer (CEO) at Reagent Chemicals, said: “It’s extremely important to me that we are a fair and ethical employer, and that everyone working at ReAgent is happy. That’s why I’m proud that we pay the living wage, and I hope it shows our commitment to the wellbeing of our staff.”