Just under two-thirds (64%) of reward and benefits managers have had a salary review in the last 12 months, according to the Employee Benefits Salary Survey 2010.
In 2009 just 51% had a pay review. This rise indicates that organisations are loosening restraints put in place during the recession. Correspondingly, just 23% have been affected by pay freezes this year, compared to 41% in 2009.
The most common increases were between 1% and 3% of salary.
Debbie Lovewell, deputy editor of Employee Benefits, said: “The changing economic conditions can also be seen in how respondents’ expected salary increases a year ago have played out.”
Although in 2009, 15% said they expected no pay increase, however, just 2% of this year’s respondents who did have a salary review in the past year did not received an increase.
Last year, just 1% of the 2009 sample predicted they would receive an increase worth more than 15% of salary, however, in the event, more than 6% of the 2010 sample said they actually received more than 15% of salary.
Employee Benefits magazine surveyed 466 people responsible for managing compensation and benefits for staff in their own organisations for the Employee Benefits Salary Survey 2010. The majority (80%) of respondents were from the private sector, while 17% were from public sector organisations and 3% were in the voluntary sector.
Read the full Employee Benefits Salary Survey 2010