A Barclays worker who was paid double her salary by mistake for three years will continue to receive the amount after a legal victory over the bank.

Natasha Keenan, who works for 19 hours a week at the bank's offices in Dartford, Kent, received approximately double her £19,246 pro-rata salary due to a payroll error.

When Barclays found the mistake, it halved her pay and demanded she pay the sum of around £20,000 back.

However, Keenan took the bank to an employment tribunal where the judge ordered she will continue to receive double salary and need not hand back any of the extra pay she received before the error was spotted, after finding the overpayment was Barclay's fault.

A spokesman for Barclays said: "We have no further comment at this stage as the decision and its impact remains a confidential matter between the bank and its employee. However we can confirm that Mrs Keenan remains a valued employee of the company."