Opinion – Page 10

  • Jonathan Lord: Returning to work after long-term sick leave

    Jonathan Lord: Returning to work after long-term sick leave


    When an employee is off work due to long-term sick leave, lasting four weeks or more, they can face increased difficulties getting back into the routine of work and their normal way of life. These difficulties are varied and will depend on the nature of the illness but it can ...

  • Simon-Richardson

    Simon Richardson: How to define a benefits strategy for the ‘new normal‘


    ‘Exercising my right not to walk, sir!’ is the response of one of the students to the challenge from the maverick English teacher in the film ‘Dead Poets Society’ to find their own way of walking in order to challenge conformity. How often have we debated whether to participate in ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck-1

    Lovewell's logic: How are employees coping during lockdown?


    How are your employees coping with life under lockdown? While the government’s extension of lockdown and social distancing measures was not unexpected, it may have evoked mixed emotions for some. While most will undoubtedly understand and appreciate the steps that are being taken to minimise the impact of Covid-19, many ...

  • Carol-Clarke

    Carol Clarke: SDL stays in touch virtually with global workforce to support their wellbeing


    SDL has over 4,500 employees across 39 countries and 60 offices around the world. Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has changed the way we work and collaborate with our colleagues and, even though we have supported agile working for many years, it is still a huge change for our global teams.One of our ...

  • Shabnam-Ramzan.j

    Shabnam Ramzan: Snowflake supports the overall wellbeing of staff during a crisis


    At Snowflake, our people are our greatest asset and we want to make sure that Snowflake is a great and safe place to work. One way that we can do this is by offering a comprehensive range of employee benefits that are designed to help look after health, wellbeing and ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck-1

    Lovewell's logic: Are you being supported through the Covid-19 pandemic?


    How are you? I’m sure that is a question you have asked others on an almost daily basis during the ongoing pandemic; but how many times have you asked it of yourselves?Inevitably, there has been a great deal of focus over the past few weeks on how organisations are treating ...

  • Ann Chalmers: Supporting bereaved employees in the workplace

    Ann Chalmers: Supporting bereaved employees to return to the workplace


    Bereavement is one of the most common factors impacting employees’ performance at work. When events feel out of control, a supportive workplace can be an important source of structure and normality.However, the fear of returning to work and facing colleagues and a loss of confidence are not uncommon. Many bereaved ...

  • Charles Cotton

    Charles Cotton: Supporting employees through times of uncertainty


    The Coronavirus has plunged businesses into uncertainty and there are reports that millions of jobs could be lost globally as a result of the pandemic. As well as suddenly dealing with financial worries, individuals are concerned about their loved ones getting the virus or contracting it themselves.Many businesses will not ...

  • Raminder Grewal: Occupational health support for an isolated workforce

    Raminder Grewal: Occupational health support for an isolated workforce


    This month, our offices expanded. From a handful of central locations in our big cities, we have spread to hundreds of small offices around the UK, in bedrooms, empty lofts and on converted kitchen tables. For many, this means comfortable sweatshirts in place of suits and transforming an hour-long commute ...

  • EU-OSHA-Director-Christa-Sedlatschek-6

    Christa Sedlatschek: Why employee mental wellbeing is good for business


    The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that mental health is ‘a complete state of wellbeing’; people with good mental health are capable, resilient, productive and have good social support.Work is good for us in many ways: it gives us structure, purpose and a sense of identity, all of which promote ...

  • ADB-President

    Dr Anne de Bono: Occupational health is key to helping employees return to work


    Occupational medicine, the clinical specialty which evaluates the two-way relationship between health and work, is key to support the health and wellbeing of employees.Historically, occupational doctors focused on diseases caused by work; for example, miners’ lung conditions, and bladder cancer among tyre manufacturers. These problems have dramatically decreased, at least ...

  • shutterstock_140282743

    Coronavirus: The view from the market


    As the world of work adapts to a new normal, Employee Benefits has collected thought leadership, advice and commentary from across the market, to help readers make sense of the challenges ahead.Maintaining wellbeingAveril Leimon, executive coach at White Water Group: "Self care is vital; this is not the time to ...

  • parry

    Martin Perry: Working from home - learning from the sporting elite


    At the moment, as Coronavirus sends more and more of the workforce into isolation, everyone is finding they need to adapt to new circumstances; psychologically, that can be demanding. In the sporting industry, for example, we have seen elite sportspeople required to adapt as matches are played behind closed doors, ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck-1

    Lovewell's logic: Living through unsettling times


    What a difference a week makes. When I wrote about the preparations UK organisations were making for staff to work remotely just a week ago, I don’t think I really expected it to become a reality as quickly as it has done.We are currently living through uncertain and unsettling times. ...

  • mini setty

    Mini Setty: Guidelines for home working during Coronavirus


    Coronavirus has wrought immediate and enormous changes to working practices across the UK. As the government advises businesses and workplaces to encourage staff to work from home wherever possible, employees and employers alike are understandably rushing to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities under law.Employers have to take reasonable ...

  • Mark Hodgkinson

    Mark Hodgkinson: Government reforms must support disabled employees in crisis


    Chancellor Rishi Sunak and prime minister Boris Johnson have unveiled a £350 billion emergency measures bill to support those in dire financial straits due to the Coronavirus crisis. Included in the bill are measures to pay statutory sick pay from day one, rather than day four, for people affected by ...

  • Charles-Pitt-BSC-headshot

    Charles Pitt: Protecting wellbeing and mental health during Coronavirus


    Since the start of the Coronavirus crisis, the British Safety Council has put in place a plan to protect its people and its customers. Supporting our employees' wellbeing and mental health is just as important to us as limiting the spread of the virus. Much of what we have done ...

  • diane-lightfoot-disability-forum

    Diane Lightfoot: Coronavirus and disability – keeping employees safe


    As the number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus grows, employers are rightly concerned about the impact that the virus could have on their workforce.Some employees may be more susceptible to catching infections than others. This includes those with certain disabilities or conditions, and those who may be taking medication which ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck-1

    Lovewell's logic: How will Coronavirus affect business?


    Over the last week, the UK’s preparations for dealing with Coronavirus seem to have moved on at a significant pace. As consumers have emptied retailers’ shelves of anti-bacterial hand gel and begun stockpiling food, the government has set out its plans to tackle the virus in the coming weeks and ...

  • Kate-Gardner_Clarke-Willmott-LLP

    Kate Gardner: What does the landmark veganism ruling mean for employers?


    In a major step forward in employment law, a tribunal has ruled that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief, meaning that an employee could rely upon veganism as one of the nine protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010.While this is great news for employees, how will it affect ...