Publishing firm McGraw-Hill has introduced on-site breast screening offered via salary sacrifice for staff and partners.

The service is provided by BreastHealth UK, and McGraw-Hill is aiming to look after its female staff, particularly those aged under 40, who do not qualify for breast screening on the NHS. Of its 1,200 staff, 47% are female and just over three-quarters of these are under 40.

The screening includes a clinical examination by a trained nurse and training in self-examination.

Sarah MacKenzie, the firm's director of corporate human resources, said: "The check-up takes about 20 minutes. It is confidential and has been very well received. I have had positive comments and staff have felt it very worthwhile."

The screening is offered at two of the company's offices, in Maidenhead and London Docklands, where 95% of employees are based. Staff at its other locations can either travel to one of these two sites or visit a BreastHealth UK clinic.

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