Lifetime annuities will remainthe most popular annuity product, according to research by pensions administration firm Equiniti Paymaster.

Its 2013 Annuity survey, which questioned 40 service providers, retirement planning consultants, employee benefit consultants and trade bodies, found that 85% of annuity professionals agreed lifetime annuities will retain their position as the most popular annuity product because customers value certainty in retirement and most pension pots are too small in size.

But respondents were less clear when asked whether the UK market’s needs will be met by the existing range of annuity products in the next five years.Less than half (45%) agreed that existing products will suffice, while just under 40% disagreed with the statement.

Concerns were also raised that a broader product range would only meet the market’s needs if advisers make all new products available to their customers.

Keith Boughton (pictured), director of Equiniti Paymaster, said: “The industry is undecided about the need for innovation.

“Many expect growth among investment-linked products, while others feel that even without new products we will see innovations and increased competition in underwriting that will make a real difference.”