Construction and environmental firm Lakeshore TolTest has enhanced the medical care provided to its network of more than 300 overseas employees.

It has appointed Healix International to provide medical assistance, which includes evacuation services, to Lakeshore TolTest employees based in a number of countries, including Afghanistan and Iraq.

Healix International was chosen for its global reach and experience in places such as Afghanistan, its nurse-led care and transparent approach to cost management.

Irena Milanova, benefits manager at Lakeshore TolTest, said: “We also benefit from Healix’s nurse-led care, which means a medical professional manages each case, making sure that the clinical path for treatment matches the symptoms presented.”

Sarah Arnold, assistant general counsel of Lakeshore TolTest (Dubai office), added: “A global network of clinics that ensure we deliver the very best care to our employees, even in the most demanding locations, convinced us that Healix was the right partner to help us look after our employees abroad.”

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