debbie lovewell tuck

As our Wellbeing Week, in association with Aon, draws to a close, it is time to reflect on some of the trends and issues currently shaping employers’ strategies in this area.

2020 has been a strange year to say the least. As we move into the winter months, with lockdown restrictions tightening once again in many areas, individuals’ lifestyles and feelings may inevitably shift once again.

Wellbeing, be this physical, mental, social or emotional, has proved a challenge for many throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The move to remote working for many, for example, resulted in a change of habits when it comes to lifestyle factors impacting physical health, such as diet, exercise and daily activity levels.

The pandemic has also had a much-publicised impact on mental health and wellbeing. As we move towards shorter daylight hours, colder weather and the possibility of feelings of isolation for many individuals who may not be able to see friends and family under new restrictions, particularly as we approach seasonal festivities and celebrations in many religions, many may report experiencing further mental and emotional wellbeing issues.

Continuing job uncertainty and ongoing financial pressures, meanwhile, may also further impact employees’ mental and financial wellbeing. With the end of the government’s Job Retention Scheme now in sight at the end of October and a number of businesses facing increased pressures, and potential closures under heightened lockdown and circuit-breaker restrictions, such feelings, and their impact on individuals’ wellbeing, may well intensify.

Over the course of the year, employers’ wellbeing strategies have inevitably evolved in line with the needs of employees, and challenges posed by the pandemic. As this remains a priority for many employers, they may well find that these need to remain fluid in order to adapt to the situation as it unfolds.

But, how far should employers’ responsibility towards the wellbeing of their employees extend? Should organisations subsidise treatment and equipment for staff, particularly when taking a proactive stance to support wellbeing? And will factors such as the change in working patterns or locations for many store up long-term issues that may require future support?

Wellbeing Week was designed to answer these questions and more, enabling you to take your organisation’s strategy to the next level.

So wherever you are with supporting wellbeing in your organisation, Wellbeing Week was designed to help you take this to the next level through exclusive insights and opinions uncovering best practice in this area. These included:

Debbie Lovewell-TuckEditorTweet: @DebbieLovewell