BMW has taken a novel approach to boosting sales by trying to encourage more of its own employees to buy its cars.

The carmaker distributed 7,000 postcards to workers in Germany who do not drive a BMW or Mini, leaving them on the windscreens of vehicles made by rival brands in the staff car park.

The card read: ‘What is wrong here? You like working for us. You are fond of your workplace and salary. But you are driving a competitors car’.

It also invited staff to take a free test drive, as well as promoting attractive offers on new vehicles, including a 21.9% discount on new BMW cars.

A spokesperson for BMW said: “The campaign is meant to give people food for thought and to raise awareness for our attractive staff vehicle offers. The postcards were only pinned to cars for which our model portfolio comprises a comparable vehicle offering. The intention was to make employees aware that there are in-house promotions for attractive vehicle offers. It goes without saying, our employees are free to drive any brand they choose.”

And why wouldn’t they want to fork out on a brand new, expensive, luxury car? After all, it isn’t like we are in the middle of a recession…