BBC journalists received an £800 pay rise on 1 August after settling a pay dispute.

The dispute was resolved after BBC management agreed to a 1% increase on the level of minimum pay grades or an £800 increase for journalists, whichever was higher.

A BBC spokesperson said: “We are pleased to have reached a resolution with the joint unions and will continue to work constructively with them in future.”

Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary at the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), added: “This settlement has been secured in the spirit of talks offered by [director general] Tony Hall to address the clear problems that exist with pay for those at the sharp end at the BBC: the journalists and programme makers who create the content for the corporation.

“It is time the staff, the creative force behind the success of the BBC, is recognised for its hard work, talent and forbearing, after the treatment it has previously received from an out-of-touch management.”