EXCLUSIVE: Bank of America Merrill Lynch has launched a weight management seminar for employees.


Its ‘Weight a minute’ session, held on 30 January, was presented by the bank’s onsite health services dietician.

The session focused on combining healthy eating with fitness and advice, and how this impacts overall wellbeing.

More than 100 participants attended the event, which has been followed by an optional 12-week onsite weight management programme, also conducted by the onsite health services team.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s health and wellbeing team measured a 45% take up of the follow-up programme, and has received positive feedback from employees.

Jay Butler, health and wellbeing manager at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said: “Our key strategy is to ensure an integrated approach to health and wellbeing, so our onsite gym provider and health services team provided further support through materials and special offers on items, such as British Heart Foundation pedometers, to help employees proactively change their behaviours for the long term.”