Analysis – Page 10

  • Analysis

    Financial Education: What employers need to consider in terms of brand


    If you read nothing else, read this... Employer branding on financial education programmes helps to secure the trust and engagement of staff, which is vital when making changes to key financial benefits. Financial education is a partnership, and co-branding a programme to identify its origin from the employer and independence ...

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    Financial Education: The employer's role in financial education


    If you read nothing else, read this... A combination of information, education and advice can be the most effective way to improve employees' financial awareness. Although most employees can benefit from financial education, only a small percentage will require additional financial advice.Organisational activities and events such as changing the pension ...

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    Financial Education: Back-to-basics guide to financial education


    If you read nothing else, read this . . . Financial worries can reduce an employee's effectiveness at work. Employers need to be aware that different methods of communication suit different types of employee. Workplace financial education works best when it is focused on a particular event or financial concern. ...

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    Financial Education: Effective networking is vital


    If your read nothing else, read this… Financial education is now likely to include interactive and online tools, such as quizzes and modellers. These can help staff to better understand complex financial topics and engage with their benefits package. Some employers give staff time during the working day to use ...

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    Financial Education: Why offer financial education?


    If you read nothing else, read this... As many as nine out of 10 adults suffer stress over money matters, according to Axa research. Studies also show financial anxieties can affect performance at work. Financial education can help employees appreciate their, often costly, benefits packages. This, in turn, can boost ...

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    Financial Education: Effects of the Retail Distribution Review


    If you read nothing else, read this… Commission on pensions and investments will be banned from 31 December 2012, when the Retail Distribution Review is implemented. This will pose challenges for employers when it comes to funding financial education for employees around pension provision. The move could prompt smaller employers ...

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    Financial Education: Economical ways to increase employee awareness


    If you read nothing else, read this...There are a number of ways in which employers can provide financial educationfor their employees cost-efficiently, such as online programmes.Some services, such as those provided by the Money Advice Service, are available at no cost to an organisation.The cost of providing financial education will ...

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    Financial Education: Sponsor's comment: Employees need guidance to rethink their retirement plans


    Legislative changes have increased the retirement income options for staff, says Jonathan Watts-Lay, director at Wealth at WorkThe changing pension and retirement landscape means employees now have a number of options to consider. They save for many years into pension plans and other forms of investment to fund their retirement ...

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    Financial Education supplement


    Download the PDF of the Financial Education supplementSponsor’s comment: Employees need guidance to rethink their retirement plansEconomical ways to increase employee awarenessEffects of the Retail Distribution ReviewWhy offer financial education?Effective networking is vital

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    Thought leaders: Academic insights: Financial knowledge is an essential skill


    Key points 71% of people blame a lack of personal finance understanding for debt. 7% learn about personal finance from parents and 4% from banks; 81% pick it up through trial and error. 16% of Brits are not knowledgeable about personal finance until they are at least 35 years old. ...

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    Pensions roundtable: Financial education is vital


    Getting staff interested in financial matters is not easy, but it is a necessity when it comes to pensions, says Matthew CraigAs any compensation and benefits professional knows, the level of financial knowledge among today's employees varies hugely.Some staff may want online access to their pension pot to implement their ...

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    Special report 2010: Financial education


    Interview with Andrew Pendleton of York UniversityBe sure to hit your target audience among employeesHow to build a business caseLikely effects of the retail distribution reviewSponsor’s comment: Wide strategy needed to get the financial message across

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    Financial education: Likely effects of the retail distribution review


    The retail distribution review planned by the Financial Services Authority could have major repercussions for financial education, says Georgina FullerThe days of benefits consultants and advisers having commission remunerated by pensions providers will come to an end if the Financial Services Authority's proposals for the retail distribution review (RDR) are ...

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    Financial education: How to build a business case


    Improved staff retention and productivity are among the reasons for providing financial education, says Liz MorrellMost employers offer a range of benefits to help staff make the most of their money, but few do enough to ensure employees get the best value from what is on offer, assuming they will ...

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    Financial education: Be sure to hit your target audience among employees


    Making financial education relevant to each employee that receives it is the key to maximising staff awareness and take-up of benefits, says Peta HodgeFinancial illiteracy fuelled the demand for sub-prime mortgage products, led to high personal debts and, ultimately, contributed to the collapse of financial institutions across the world.That was ...

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    Financial education: Interview with Andrew Pendleton of York University


    Financial education may not boost benefits take-up, but it can improve employees’ work performance, says York University’s Andrew Pendleton. Jenny Keefe reportsBritain might have finally staggered out of recession, but employees still need to repair the damage it has caused to their bank accounts. Andrew Pendleton, professor of human resource ...

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    Implications of early retirement law


    Next year’s change to the early retirement age could have major implications, says Ceri JonesIf you read nothing else, read this... For employees to have the right to retire before age 55 after April 2010, an earlier normal retirement age must be written into their contract of employment. A collective ...

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    Corporate wrap products are taking shape


    Corporate wrap, an integrated financial planning platform for employees, is taking shape as a proposition for employers, but the concept has its doubters, says John GreenwoodIf you read nothing else, read this...Corporate wrap is not yet available, but is likely to be in the next 12 months.Staff will be offered ...

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    Tailor financial education to suit employees' life stages


    Segmenting the workforce to suit every stage of employee’ lives is one way of targeting financial education effectively, says Tom WashingtonIn reality, providing completely bespoke, personalised financial education for each employee is impossible, as their needs will be so varied. Offering one-to-one meetings with an independent financial adviser is the ...

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    How far should employers go in providing financial education?


    The need for financial education in the workplace has been highlighted by the credit crunch, but how far should employers go, asks Laverne HadawayEven before the credit crunch began to take its toll, the concept of providing financial education for staff was rising in prominence. The publication of the Thoresen ...