Analysis – Page 4

  • Saving-jars

    How can employers position the workplace as a first port of call for savings vehicles?


    Need to know:The cost-of-living crisis has underlined the need to improve people’s level of savings.Workplace schemes such as the individual saving account (Isa), lifetime Isas and sharesave already exist, with trials underway for ‘sidecar savings’.But employers have to up their game when it comes to communicating with employees.According to research ...

  • work-from-anywhere

    Top tips for implementing a work-from-anywhere policy


    Asking staff what they are looking for or what is missing in a policy of this kind presents the opportunity to put improvements in place.Employers should account for the possible pitfalls by ensuring there are processes to follow.Some employees may choose to work in a location other than the workplace ...

  • Common-goal

    How to use total reward to create a unified culture


    Need to know:Focusing on culture creates a natural connection with total reward that is authentic, compelling, and connects back to the employer brand.Encouraging discussion between remote and international teams about total reward drives connectivity, and unity and enhances the employee experience.Current talent shortages, coupled with soaring inflation and a higher ...

  • pay rises

    Are pay rises the best staff retention tool?


    Credit: GoldenShark2 / Shutterstock.comAn employer’s compensation policy needs to be fair, equitable and as transparent as possible.Regular pay increases can be useful because if these are timely and properly aligned with career opportunity and growth, they can help employees feel engaged and motivated.Employees look to prospective employers for clarity and ...

  • pensions communications

    Pensions communications to cut through the noise


    Need to know:Employers need tailored, practical messaging to reach employees struggling with pressing financial concerns.A multi-avenue approach will help catch a wider range of employees' attention, but video content and digital strategies are good starting points.In order to cut through the noise, people need to see their pensions as real, ...

  • businesspriorityemployeeengagement

    How much of a priority is employee engagement for employers?


    With employers battling issues such as increased stress among the workforce, burnout among managers, resignations, health concerns, and Covid-19's (Coronavirus) impact on staff absence, employee engagement has become more of a challenge for some.Organisations that can link their work either directly or indirectly to broader societal goals that employees care ...

  • authentic leadership

    Why is authentic leadership important in business?


    Need to knowEmployees are increasingly demanding that their leaders act with authenticity and integrity as they re-evaluate their priorities post-pandemic.Authenticity demands a number of skills, from empathy to strategy, many of which can be coached and nurtured by businesses.Listening to employees and fostering the right culture are integral to survive ...

  • menstrual leave

    Top tips for introducing menstrual leave policies


    An inclusive culture that supports menstrual health can help to increase employee satisfaction, ensure they feel valued and help them remain productive and engaged in the workplace.Employers can gauge from their employees whether to expand their existing leave policies to include menstruation rather than creating a separate one.When introducing a ...

  • employer accreditations

    Making the most of employer accreditations


    Need to know:Accreditations are proof of the positive work being done by organisations, as well as a long-term commitment to change.The process can be complex, with different challenges depending on the type and the employer, but an accreditation team should be on hand to help.Without a deeper commitment, reaching for ...

  • hrt

    Top tips for offering HRT support in the workplace


    One of the first steps to consider is to set up a dedicated menopause policy, ensuring it links in to any existing wellbeing, and equality, diversity and inclusion policies.Employers should also ensure that websites and resources around types of HRT are up to date, offer links to information about HRT ...

  • Interlocking-cogs

    How to build a hybrid-working model that is right for an organisation


    Need to know:Hybrid-working arrangements have become the norm; employees now favour organisations that offer it over those that do not.Creating a sense of fairness around flexible working is a challenge for employers, especially for those whose staff are not able to work remotely at all.Employers are now focusing on creating ...

  • Magnet-attraction

    What really motivates an employee to stay with an employer?


    Need to know:With the Great Resignation underway, organisations are working out what really makes staff join and stay with a business.Flexibility, wellbeing and work-life balance are all highly prized by employees.A wider sense of organisational values and the ability to develop are also attractive.The emergence of the Great Resignation in ...

  • tailoredrewardstrategy

    How can employers prioritise a more tailored reward strategy?


    Employers must be able to offer a differentiated and competitive reward package in order to retain and attract staff.Through a comprehensive reward package, employers can offer a range of services to assist with various obstacles staff are facing.Building an element of choice into reward policies can be impactful and value-adding ...

  • Technology global benefits

    How is technology changing the delivery of employee benefits on a global scale?


    Although there are some universals, benefits are often subject to local cultural, tax and regulatory differences, which multinational organisations must then try to align with a global strategy.Digital channels can be used to create effective communication around what benefits are available in each location, as well as easing access and ...

  • ivf_support

    How can employers improve support policies for IVF?


    In vitro fertilisation (IVF) support should arguably begin before any employee knows they need it, by ensuring everyone is aware of the policies and processes in their organisation.Those accessing fertility treatment in the UK through a fertility clinic will receive counselling with a British Infertility Counselling Association counsellor, which is ...

  • Sliced-apple

    Why should employers consider employee ownership as their next business move?


    Need to know:Transitioning to an employee ownership trust (EOT) transfers control of a business to employees, while also giving tax incentives to the shareholders.There is also the opportunity to deliver an annual bonus that comes under the tax-free allowance, which is currently £3,600 per employee per year.Trustee board meetings will ...

  • mental-health-needs

    Are employers doing enough to address mens' mental health needs?


    There is still a stigma associated with addressing mental health in the workplace, and moreso for male employees.Employers should encourage help-seeking through easy accessible means that can remain anonymous, for example, employee assistance programmes (EAPs) can be accessed remotely and confidentially by telephone and online.Providing access to the right tools ...

  • Support-hands

    What support can employers give to young adult carers in the workplace?


    Need to know:Good communication and open dialogue with young carers is the most effective way of identifying the challenges they face.Offer benefits and support for their career progression and learning opportunities.Employers need to be aware of their legal responsibilities to staff caring for those with disabilities or who need time ...

  • Typewriter

    How can employers effectively communicate an employee value proposition?


    Need to know:Employee value propositions can help organisations outline their purpose and culture.Essential communication is essential, including through new digital channels.Involving senior management and employees can also prove effective.With the 'great resignation’ well underway, employers are having to think more about how they can retain staff.For many, developing and communicating ...

  • 20

    Top tips for moving staff to a four-day working week


    Nearly a third (31%) of UK workers are actively looking for a four-day work week in 2022 or have already agreed to one with their current employer, according to research published by productivity platform ClickUp in January.With fierce competition in the market for talent many employers have already obliged, with ...