Analysis – Page 4

  • Staying engaged: Employee motivation in numbers

    Staying engaged: Employee motivation in numbers


    !function(e,t,s,i){var n="InfogramEmbeds",o=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],d=/^http:/.test(e.location)?"http:":"https:";if(/^\/{2}/.test(i)&&(i=d+i),window[n]&&window[n].initialized)window[n].process&&window[n].process();else if(!e.getElementById(s)){var r=e.createElement("script");r.async=1,,r.src=i,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,0,"infogram-async","");Read more...Engagement and motivation: Maintaining productivity and happiness in the first quarterX4 Group uses seasonal holiday incentives to motivate and engage employees

  • sustainability

    How can employers use reward and benefits to address sustainability?


    Need to know:Employers need a strategic and holistic approach when addressing sustainability; this should align with organisational values and corporate social responsibility.Intrinsic rewards can often be more motivational than extrinsic, as part of a recognition programme based around sustainability.Employees’ personal values and objectives should feed into the organisation’s overall approach ...

  • tailor total reward

    How to tailor a total reward proposition for a modern workforce


    Need to know:A successful total reward proposition should reflect employee needs on an individual basis, rather than simply being segmented by demographics such as age.An employer's core culture and values should underpin and align with its total reward strategy.A social contract can help build transparency, ensuring that employees know what ...

  • growing problem happiness

    A growing problem: Happiness at work in numbers


    !function(e,t,s,i){var n="InfogramEmbeds",o=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],d=/^http:/.test(e.location)?"http:":"https:";if(/^\/{2}/.test(i)&&(i=d+i),window[n]&&window[n].initialized)window[n].process&&window[n].process();else if(!e.getElementById(s)){var r=e.createElement("script");r.async=1,,r.src=i,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,0,"infogram-async","");

  • Measuring happiness perception

    Perception versus reality: Effectively measuring the happiness of the workforce


    Need to know:Research increasingly shows a disconnect between how happy employers believe their staff to be and how employees actually feel on a daily basis.Some leaders are too far removed from the day-to-day running of their organisations, meaning that issues affecting employee happiness are overlooked.To manage workplace happiness, employers need ...

  • budget-friendly benefits

    Budget-friendly benefits to boost happiness


    Need to know:Employers do not need to spend excessively in order to bolster employee happiness and engagement; flexible working arrangements, employee discounts and recognition schemes can all do this.Employers should consider the wants and needs of their specific workforce demographics, to ensure that reward initiatives will be valued.Implementing an employee ...

  • recognition strategies

    How do different recognition strategies affect happiness and productivity?


    Need to know:Recognition programmes tap into the human need for meaning, reducing the effects of stress and promoting positive, productive behaviours.Technology is invaluable, as it allows for an instant, easy and far-reaching strategy, but employers should be wary of relying on stickers and badges over the written word.Appreciation of behaviour, ...

  • Employee satisfaction: Does pay prevail?

    Employee satisfaction: does pay prevail?


    Need to know:Money is an important foundation, but cultural changes have arguably created a world in which true engagement, happiness and satisfaction cannot be bought with pay alone.Employees not only expect a broader package of benefits, but will also look to an organisation's culture and impact on the world.Recognition, transparency, ...

  • Christmas time

    How to make staff feel valued at Christmas


    Need to know:Employers should be unafraid to reinvent their Christmas incentives if they believe this will ultimately better engage and reward staff.Experiences, rather than physical items, are an increasingly popular way to reward staff.The introduction of a discount scheme could be a cost-efficient way to help staff budget over Christmas, ...

  • flexible working practices

    How can employers fully embrace flexible working practices?


    Need to know:Flexibility in working practices is in high demand and accommodating this can influence an organisation's performance; but this takes careful planning to implement effectively.Leadership buy-in, role models and strong communication are all elements of laying the groundwork for flexible working practices, as is ensuring that internal systems are ...

  • Ants, employee stakeholders

    How can creating employee stakeholders boost motivation?


    Need to know:If organisational aims align with employees' personal goals, they will be more motivated and committed to contributing to success.Employee share plans allow staff to invest in their organisation, both financially and in terms of engagement.Personal development plans can help demonstrate to employees how their work and skill set ...

  • effective gamification

    How to motivate employees with effective gamification strategies


    Need to know:Gamification is more than just badges and leaderboards; it in fact helps to systematise, unify and measure long-standing motivation techniques.Effective gamification involves in-depth strategy, careful testing, and judicious application.To truly make the most of a codified system of goals and achievements, employers should embrace the advantages technology can ...

  • job-hoppers

    How to use short-term strategies to motivate job-hoppers


    Need to know:Mentoring, training and development are crucial to retaining employees, and should be implemented early on to catch those who are less likely to remain long-term.Younger employees are often motivated to stay in a job longer if they are offered flexible hours and the option of working from home, ...

  • face-to-face

    Employee engagement: technology versus face-to-face


    Need to know:Employers need to provide a combination of technology and more traditional methods to motivate and engage staff.Technology's strengths are its reach and speed, but data needs to be used effectively in order to personalise communications.Employees still need face-to-face interactions when it comes to team-building and dealing with serious ...

  • healthy work-life balance

    How can voluntary benefits promote a healthy work-life balance?


    Need to knowA healthy work-life balance among employees can impact engagement, productivity, wellbeing, and ultimately have an affect on an organisation's profits.Core voluntary benefits such as health insurance and childcare vouchers are a solid foundation for any benefits strategy.Organisations should be innovative and holistic, providing benefits that reflect their own ...

  • expat benefits

    What to include in an expatriate motivation and recognition scheme


    Need to know:Employers should be clear about why they are sending employees on assignments and what they need to achieve to keep them motivated.A cultural awareness programme for employees and their families is crucial, as is understanding local approaches to motivation and reward.Employers need to keep expat employees engaged so ...

  • expat

    Life on assignment: Expatriates in numbers


    !function(e,t,n,s){var i="InfogramEmbeds",o=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],d=/^http:/.test(e.location)?"http:":"https:";if(/^\/{2}/.test(s)&&(s=d+s),window[i]&&window[i].initialized)window[i].process&&window[i].process();else if(!e.getElementById(n)){var a=e.createElement(t);a.async=1,,a.src=s,o.parentNode.insertBefore(a,o)}}(document,"script","infogram-async","");Read more...What to include in an expatriate motivation and recognition schemeDavid Enser: Flexibility is key to expat motivation and recognition schemes

  • non-office-based communications

    Top tips for communicating to a non-office-based workforce


    Need to know:Employers should involve all employees in communications, and consider smartphone apps if certain sites have limited access to email.An effective communications strategy should be simple, coherent and focused on key messages.Organisations should aim to use a variety of channels, such as video, which can communicate a lot of ...

  • brexit

    What actions should employers take to prepare for Brexit?


    Need to know: Whatever the outcome of negotiations, Brexit will have a significant impact on organisations' ability to attract and retain the talent they need.Employers should consider the ways in which their workforce might change, and consider whether their benefits proposition needs to shift.The war for talent may drive up ...

  • gender pay gap

    Closing the gender pay gap: next steps and key challenges


    Need to know:Diversity of gender, background, experience and opinion is key to business success, and closing the gender pay gap would have significant economic benefits for the UK.Coaching, mentoring and sponsorship of women is an important way of ensuring female employees do not get stuck in the talent pipeline.Flexible working, ...