Analysis – Page 3

  • How are employers recognising employees efforts at the moment

    How are employers recognising employees' efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic?


    Need to know: Continual employee recognition, during a time of crisis such as the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, has been crucial to support employees' engagement and motivation.Employers that have suffered financially from the crisis can still find ways to motivate and recognise staff that do not bust budgets.Organisations must find strategies ...

  • 2021-calendar

    What key reward and benefits issues are on employers’ radars for 2021?


    Need to know: Employers should not overlook the importance of a reward and benefits strategy in the midst of making major workforce changes, such as redundancies. Employers should use the changing face of the workplace to remove any expensive or legacy benefits that are no longer relevant. Organisations should avoid ...

  • Christmas-bubbles

    What will festive incentives look like in 2020?


    Need to know:Employers are taking a hestitant appraoch to festive incentives this year in light of the challenges that organisations have been faced with.However, employers have placed more importance on employee recognition throughout the year, and many will continue to do so during the festive season.Christmas parties may be put ...

  • Spotlight

    How can employers appropriately recognise employees’ efforts during a time of crisis?


    Need to know:Continual employee recognition, even during a time of crisis, can help enforce workplace culture and motivate employees further.Letting employees know they are valued and their efforts are recognised can boost their wellbeing.Employers must be careful to ensure that their recognition scheme does not exclude employees that are struggling ...

  • reward700px

    How can a total reward strategy incentivise productivity from home?


    Need to know:Employers need to do their due diligence to find out how their employees expect to feel appreciated while working from home.Simple gestures, like verbally recognising employees, can motivate them and increase productivity.Increasing flexibility for employees who cannot work their normal hours can take the pressure off and help ...

  • What recognition schemes can employers use to foster good behaviours

    How recognition schemes can help employers to foster good behaviours


    Need to know: Recognising and rewarding staff can boost morale and engagement.Peer-to-peer recognition schemes help to remove any sense of hierarchical structure.Senior leadership teams that promote recognition can encourage employees to lead by example.Employee recognition schemes are becoming ever-more important for employees to reach the best of their abilities at ...

  • shutterstock_252538054

    How to ensure employees share in business success


    Need to know:Involving employees in the growth and success of a business not only affects the bottom line, but can build engagement and loyalty, forming the basis of a positive culture.Share schemes and employee ownership models are one method of aligning employees directly with business results.Recognition schemes can also encourage ...

  • ROI in benefits

    Top tips for using data to showcase return on investment in a benefits strategy


    Need to know:With the range and availability of benefits increasing, and sources of data growing, employers must consider how to best harness data to showcase the value of benefits spend.Using a multi-layered approach to highlight pain points or areas of interest, and measuring data around these, will help to ensure ...

  • shutterstock_102952706

    Cash or cupcakes: Is money the best motivator?


    Need to know:Research often shows financial rewards are top of the list, but younger employees increasingly look for something more meaningful and experiential.Financial drivers can be highly effective if they are proportional, fair and well communicated.Perks can more easily be related back to specific behaviours and employer values, whereas cash ...

  • Analysis

    Infographic: Motivation in practice


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  • shutterstock_240441667

    How can workplace recognition impact employee mental health and wellbeing?


    Need to know:In addition to boosting productivity and engagement, reward and recognition can be a key element of supporting mental wellbeing, making employees feel valued and supported, and reducing stress.Top-down and face-to-face recognition has added weight and authority, but peer-to-peer thanks can develop social cohesion, while digital platforms can ensure ...

  • strong start to 2020

    New year's resolutions: How to ensure a strong start to 2020


    Need to know:Following the festive period, organisations should help staff make positive behavioural changes, while also focusing on their own strategies for the year ahead.Savings and discounts in the run-up to Christmas will help start 2020 on a more stable footing, while January is a good time to introduce conversations ...

  • christmas rewards

    How should employers position Christmas rewards and incentives?


    Need to know: As employees become more concerned about health, social responsibility and the environment, Christmas rewards are changing and adapting accordingly.Sustainable options include e-vouchers, experiences and paid time off; while volunteering leave can cover both wellbeing and social responsibility.Rather than encouraging staff to drink and eat more during this ...

  • cupcakes

    What role do benefits play in the recruitment and retention of employees?


    Need to know:Potential employees are now keen to know what benefits an employer offers in addition to salary, especially within the context of work-life balance.Bespoke packages and more flexibility are key factors in successfully appealing to employees with diverse needs and expectations.Employers are increasingly aligning benefits strategy with their culture ...

  • recognition schemes

    Top tips to increase the effectiveness of an employee recognition scheme


    Need to know: Effective strategies will vary from one employer to another, but embedding a culture of appreciation will make a solid foundation for any recognition scheme.Employers should consider introducing peer-to-peer recognition, as well as using a scheme to link specific behaviours to core values.Monetary incentives may help gain employee ...

  • Pie

    What value do employee ownership trusts bring to an organisation?


    Need to know:Employee ownership trusts (EOTs) are an indirect form of ownership whereby the majority shares of an organisation are held in a trust on behalf of staff.Organisations controlled by an EOT are able to provide a tax-free cash bonus of up to £3,600 per employee per year.Moving to an ...

  • align

    How can employers use total reward to align staff with business goals?


    Need to know: Providing employees with shares, or aligning financial reward with business performance, can give staff a vested interested in organisational goals.Aligning recognition with the employer's values and objectives can influence employee engagement and behaviours, but should be carefully considered so as to avoid damaging objectives.Using effective communications and ...

  • employer brand

    How organisations can link motivation and recognition with employer brand


    Need to know: Recognition strategies can help organisations avoid presenting a brand and set of values that do not resonate with the realities of the employee experience.Employers should take a creative, tailored approach to the perks on offer, as well as consider how the structure of the recognition programme itself ...

  • employee performance

    How can benefits packages help maximise employee performance and potential?


    Need to know: Recognition can help reward positive behaviour, but health, wellbeing and environment are factors that facilitate strong performance in the first place.Providing nutritious food and ensuring employees take proper breaks can boost concentration and wellbeing.Looking at the employee holistically will help organisations understand the various influences that might ...

  • Maintaining productivity and happiness in the first quarter

    Engagement and motivation: Maintaining productivity and happiness in the first quarter


    Need to know:Following the festive break, employees can return to work demotivated, and determined to look for new challenges elsewhere.Easing staff in with a welcome event will give them something to look forward to and decrease the difficulty of returning to work in January.Supporting employees who are trying to look ...