Analysis – Page 9

  • Sun-cyclistsPNG1

    Can employee benefits be used to counter climate change?


    Need to know:Increasing climate change awareness and the introduction of government targets are leading employers to review what can be done within their organisations.Some are changing the slant of their benefits schemes by promoting these differently to employees, highlighting the environmental impact more prominently.Incentives can be used to create day-to-day ...

  • diversity

    How can employers create an accessible wellbeing programme?


    Need to know: As employers think about the benefits of recruiting from a more diverse talent pool, the importance of employee wellbeing in terms of engagement and retention should not be forgotten.Events must take into account basic access needs, such as audio and visual aids, and providing a wide range ...

  • predictive analysis

    How predictive analytics can influence employee engagement


    Need to know: Most employers are already harvesting ample data to engage in some form of predictive analytics, from sources such as engagement surveys and benefits take-up statistics.Regression analysis can help track potential exit drivers and problem areas for engagement, while predictive models can map how initiatives will affect factors ...

  • john lewis partnership

    John Lewis Partnership uses data analysis to shape proactive wellbeing strategy


    Retail organisation John Lewis Partnership houses 84,500 UK-based employees in a wide range of roles across the John Lewis and Partners, and Waitrose and Partners brands, from the shop floor to head office, and from factory to farm. To address wellbeing across this diverse workforce, the organisation ...

  • poverty

    How can employers tackle in-work poverty?


    Need to know:Identifying employees struggling with in-work poverty is difficult, but offering universal solutions can ensure that financial wellbeing initiatives benefit all those in need.Simple measures, such as exploring how to best manage overtime or introducing flexible working, can help staff improve their finances more effectively.A financial wellbeing strategy that ...

  • social clubs

    What role can workplace sports and social clubs have within a health and wellbeing strategy?


    Need to know:Workplace sports and social clubs, such as football teams, theatre groups and chess clubs, support social wellbeing as part of a broader health and wellness strategy.Forging employee relationships away from work can improve business outcomes by encouraging creativity and collaboration.Clubs should be inclusive and not simply centre around ...

  • Poker-chips

    Top tips on getting senior level buy-in for financial wellbeing initiatives


    Need to know:Employers can create targeted financial wellbeing interventions specifically for senior leaders to enable them to experience the benefits first-hand.Data, such as absence rates and engagement scores, can offer tangible evidence to help present the business case.Linking mental health and financial wellbeing can help draw senior leaders’ attention to ...

  • mental health first aiders

    How to ensure mental health first aiders are effective


    Need to know: Mental health first aiders need to be representative of the workforce and evenly distributed across an organisation, ensuring that they are accessible to all employees.From visible signposting worn by trainees, through to branded awareness campaigns, mental health first aid initiatives must be well communicated to be fully ...

  • physical workplace

    What impact can the physical workplace have on mental health?


    Need to know:Employers should consider a wide range of factors, from lighting to floorplan, when considering the impact of the workplace on mental health. Above all, it is important to provide employees with variety and choice.On-site wellness initiatives and dedicated wellbeing rooms can be helpful, but should be provided as ...

  • targeted

    How mental health approaches can be targeted to workforce demographics


    Need to know:Various factors, such as age, gender and job role, can influence the amount and type of mental wellbeing support needed by employees. Some influences, such as the impact of home working, might be less obvious.Offering a wide variety of support systems can help reach more employees, but will ...

  • Global healthcare

    How to roll out healthcare and wellbeing benefits globally


    Need to know:Employers looking to roll out healthcare and wellbeing benefits globally need to use culturally appropriate language to effectively engage employees across different locations.Creating a global framework that allows for local tailoring is effective for supporting geographically dispersed staff while adhering to an overall vision.Buy-in from local HR teams, ...

  • Balance-balls

    Beyond pay: Gender differences in the workplace


    Need to know:While organisations are focusing on addressing the gender pay gap, they may be missing some of the underlying discrepancies that exist alongside it.Wage differences and the higher likelihood of career breaks among women can influence financial wellbeing and retirement incomes.Progression and career development are impacted not only by ...

  • Wearable tech

    Top tips on using wearable technology effectively within benefits and reward


    Need to know:To be effective, employers need to define what purpose they want to achieve by using wearable technology; this will help identify what data will be most useful to collect.A clear and transparent communications approach is vital to mitigate employee fears around data privacy and boost engagement.Information from wearable ...

  • Digital-health

    The impact of digital healthcare on health and wellbeing strategies


    Need to know:Before investing in a digital healthcare solution, employers must consider their end goal, as well as the demands of the end-user.Organisations should build a strategy to ensure that digital interventions make a real difference to those employees that need it, rather than providing the newest trends.Virtual health can ...

  • inclusion

    How can organisations align their wellbeing strategies with inclusion?


    Need to know: Making sure wellbeing works for everyone can help lower absence rates, reduce turnover and decrease stress.Some elements, such as the work-life balance benefits of flexible working, are universal, but employers could also consider segmenting their wellbeing interventions.Support networks, leadership buy-in and management training can all help facilitate ...

  • employee performance

    How can benefits packages help maximise employee performance and potential?


    Need to know: Recognition can help reward positive behaviour, but health, wellbeing and environment are factors that facilitate strong performance in the first place.Providing nutritious food and ensuring employees take proper breaks can boost concentration and wellbeing.Looking at the employee holistically will help organisations understand the various influences that might ...

  • uncertainty

    How to support employees through uncertainty and change


    Need to know: Whether political instability, economic downturn or organisational change, employers need to ensure that they soften the negative effects of uncertainty on employees.Positive behaviours, such as financial stability and psychological resilience need to be embedded in advance to be fully effective.Clear, deliberate and open communications will help ensure ...

  • wellbeing

    Well at work: Healthcare and wellbeing in numbers


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  • Resilience

    How can employers put resilience at the centre of their health and wellbeing strategy?


    Need to know:Resilience fits in to the prevention and education stage of a wellbeing strategy, helping employees stem the drivers of ill health.Many health and wellbeing benefits can be included as part of a resilience strategy, such as sports and social clubs, on-site gyms, or yoga and mindfulness sessions.Having genuine ...

  • CSR initiatives

    Top tips on how CSR initiatives can boost employee wellness


    Need to know:Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives not only demonstrate that an employer is responsible and sustainable, but can also boost employees’ wellbeing.Employers can offer initiatives that staff relate to, like giving to a local or personal charity, which will increase engagement with the scheme and satisfaction with the organisation.Offering ...