Analysis – Page 2

  • neurodiverse conditions

    How to support employees with neurodiverse conditions


    Some neurodiverse conditions can be considered a disability under the Equality Act 2010, so employers have a legal duty to make reasonable adjustments.Employers can put tools in place to holistically support neurodiverse employees’ mental wellbeing.Biases in performance evaluations or promotion should be removed as they are not conducive to a ...

  • festivementalwellbeingshutterstock_1848004519

    How can employers support employees’ mental wellbeing during the festive season?


    Employers should be aware that the festive season does not mean the same thing to every employee.Creating a supportive, flexible work environment can help employees with increased stress and emotional challenges at this time of year.Providing employees experiencing loss and loneliness with opportunities to give back to the community can ...

  • Rescue helicopter/Jaromir Chalabala/ Shutterstock

    What support can employers offer for expatriate staff facing natural disasters?


    Rescue helicopter/Jaromir Chalabala/ ShutterstockNeed to know:Pre-assignment risk assessments and briefings can help an expatriate employee feel as prepared as a local if a natural disaster happens.Security risk management firms can support employees with information and support if they are affected by a natural disaster.Employers should check what is included in ...

  • sleep employees

    How to support employees with better sleep habits


    Symptoms of a lack of sleep in employees can include reduced concentration, impaired mobility and decreased reaction times.Sleep management and ensuring a better work-life balance should be a part of health and wellbeing strategies.Leading from the top down is effective in addressing that not prioritising rest results in poor long-term ...

  • employees with dementia

    How can employers support employees with dementia?


    Employers are legally required to make reasonable workplace adjustments where possible for employees impacted by dementia to the point that it satisfies the disability definition.Openly discussing dementia will enable employees to feel more able to disclose diagnoses or issues without fear of repercussions.Employers should offer training for managers and staff ...

  • Rotten-apple-shutterstock_592608710

    How to address a toxic workplace culture


    Need to know:Toxic workplace cultures exist in many UK oganisations, with leaders and managers often to blame.Creating a culture where employees can raise concerns is essential to overcoming such environments.Organisations need to think about how they react where examples of toxic behaviour do occur.Allegations of toxicity and harassment at the ...

  • Health-data-shutterstock_1448018555

    The overlooked influences impacting employee health


    Need to know:Personalised health and wellbeing support is more likely to engage employees and drive behavioural change.Tests can highlight a variety of health issues including fertility problems; menopause and andropause; gut health issues and cancer.As employees gain deeper insight into their health, education will help them understand the implications of ...

  • flexible working bill carers

    What will the Flexible Working Act mean for working carers?


    From 2024, employees will be able to request flexible working hours and patterns twice in a 12-month period and will not have to explain any potential effect on their employer. Organisations will have to consider all requests and provide a reason before rejection within two months. ...

  • Medical-data-shutterstock_1135268060

    What does effective absence management reporting look like?


    Need to know:An absence management system must be robust, consistent and in line with the organisation’s absence policy.Interrogating absence data can identify trends but it is prudent to investigate further as the data may be masking what is really happening.Identifying potential long-term conditions early can ensure appropriate support is provided ...

  • graduates benefits

    Benefits for graduates


    Research has shown that graduates value a good work-life balance and development opportunities when entering the workforce.The Covid-19 pandemic and cost-of-living crisis have meant that graduates are also looking for wellbeing and financial benefits.Being aware of available support and inclusive benefits can be attractive even if graduates are unlikely to ...

  • supportshutterstock_1532068016

    How to support employees with an eating disorder


    Symptoms of an eating disorder include trouble sleeping, low confidence and self-esteem, food anxiety, and feelings of shame, guilt and irritability.There is no one-size-fits all response, so employers need to be as flexible as possible.Employee assistance programmes can offer counselling, access to relaxation techniques for insomnia and cognitive behavioural therapy, ...

  • full-time caring responsibilities

    How can employers support staff that also have full-time caring responsibilities?


    The Carer’s Leave Act will provide employees caring for a dependent with a long-term care need with one week of flexible unpaid leave a year.Flexibility around job positions, hours and locations, as well as promoting this in job adverts, is crucial to help recruitment and retention.Employee assistance programmes, financial assistance ...

  • shutterstock_1806387883-coins-squeeze

    How can employers build the case for aligning financial and mental wellbeing strategies?


    Need to know:Financial worries affect the bottom line, with a poll by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) finding the majority of employers believe the cost-of-living crisis has caused stress and anxiety that have affected productivity levels.Many organisations already offer benefits that can support employees’ financial wellbeing, whether as a core ...

  • inclusiveshutterstock_685422628

    How to ensure a health and wellbeing strategy is inclusive


    Inclusive wellbeing programmes should not just be tick-box exercises and employers should not assume that one-size-fits-all.Employees need to be able to access benefits and information wherever they are based in order for a strategy to be inclusive.Employers must bear in mind employees with specific accessibility requirements when displaying benefits information.With ...

  • employerofchoiceshutterstock_62898469

    What does it mean to be an employer of choice in today’s labour market?


    The Covid-19 pandemic and cost-of-living crisis have changed which benefits employees value the most and what employers offer.Organisations that balance their own needs with those of their employees are likely to succeed in attracting and retaining talent as an employer of choice.With the right approach, employers can build a supportive ...

  • chatgpt

    What role does ChatGPT have to play in benefits communication?


    Need to know:Artifical intelligence (AI) systems like ChatGPT can automate and streamline processes, freeing up HR and leadership time for more nuanced and creative tasks.Benefits communications can be personalised, and their delivery optimised for each individual employee, to have a the best possible impact.Employers must be careful with sensitive data, ...

  • group risk health

    How to position group risk benefits to support long-term health issues


    Communicating the value of group risk products and the areas in which they protect staff is key.Group risk schemes often offer added services that can further support staff.Early intervention can increase return-to-work rates following a long-term health issue, so it is key to communicate who staff can contact and when.Group ...

  • musculoskeletal support

    Why musculoskeletal support should be a priority for employers


    Repetitive movements, using a computer, poor posture and sitting at an inadequate desk without back and neck support can lead to poor musculoskeletal health and related sickness absences.Acute back pain, for example, becomes chronic after 21 days, which can significantly impact an employee’s physical and mental health, and their ability ...

  • Family-law-shutterstock_1922353628

    Supporting staff following a relationship breakdown


    Need to know:A relationship breakdown can be traumatic, adversely affecting an employee’s mental health and performance.A wide range of support tools are available including employee assistance programmes (EAPs), concierge services, legal advice and flexible working.Making separation a life event can make it easier for employees to make changes to benefits ...

  • shutterstock_563126542mentalhealthdeliveringpromises

    How to ensure a mental wellbeing strategy delivers on its promises


    Employers need to recognise that mental health support is a shared responsibility which needs to be a genuine priority, underpinned by a clear strategy that both understands and addresses causes and contributors.Tangible benefits, services, policies and practices that support employees are essential to ensure that mental wellbeing is part of ...