Virgin Media is to enable staff to be able to postpone payment of their 2012 performance bonuses until 6 April 2013.

The deferral of the bonuses will allow all employees to take advantage of the change in the top-rate of tax, which will fall from 50% to 45% on this date.

A Virgin Media spokesperson said: “Like thousands of companies up and down the country, we have offered all our employees flexibility around when they might receive some of their income given tax-rate changes set in advance by the government.

“[HM Revenue and Customs] (HMRC) has made it clear in its guidance that this is entirely legitimate, so we leave it to our employees to choose based on the rules set by the government.”

Insurance broker Aon announced on 21 January that it would allow employees to defer bonuses until after April, while broker Tulett Prebon also offered staff the opportunity to delay bonuses. Investment bank Goldman Sachs considered the move in January, but decided against it.