Case study: Port of London Authority buoyant over benefits

The Port of London Authority looked to re-engage staff as it felt they did not understand the full value of the benefits they received beyond base pay, meaning these were not fully appreciated.†

In 2006, it took steps to tackle the issue by implementing total reward statements in conjunction with provider Benefex.

The Port of London Authority felt paper statements would be most appropriate for its employees, many of whom work outside an office environment.†

The statements include information about extra allowances and overtime, as well as pensions data and forecasts.

They also contain information about employees’ state pension forecasts.

The statements were branded in line with existing corporate communications, using a “leisure London” theme to emphasise the lifestyle benefits that are associated with employees’ total reward package.

Glenn Witham, HR director at the Port of London Authority, says: “We have been very impressed with the introduction of total reward statements. Benefex created a theme that complemented our corporate culture and touched the right tone – professional yet personal. Total reward statements have now become a key part of our communications strategy.”

As a result of the exercise, the Port of London Authority believes the differences between salary and total remuneration are better understood by its employees, which has helped to shift their focus away from purely base pay.

The move has also improved employees’ understanding of pension benefits.