How Too Much Caffeine at Work Can Affect Your Body

Many of us rely on a cup of coffee to get us going in the morning or to boost energy levels throughout the day.

The UK consumes a shocking 95 million cups of coffee a day! But caffeine does a lot more than just keep us awake.

Do you know the effects caffeine has on your body?

Caffeine is a stimulant that activates the central nervous system and affects your body in numerous ways. It’s found in coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, cocoa, energy drinks and different types of medication.

Low consumption of caffeine won’t negatively impact your health, however high doses can be really bad for you.

Here are some effects of caffeine on the body:

1. Disrupts quality of sleep

Most people drink caffeine to help keep them awake, so it almost goes without saying your sleep quality will be affected by higher doses. Caffeine delays the timing of your body clock, therefore reducing your total sleep time and the amount of deep sleep you enjoy.

People should try to avoid consuming caffeine later in the day. The effects of caffeine on the body can take several hours to wear off, remaining in your system for an average of five hours.

2. Causes unhealthy withdrawal symptoms

People can become physically dependent on caffeine. So, with the absence or reduction of coffee consumption in their system, caffeine withdrawal symptoms can begin.

People who consume large amounts of caffeine on a daily basis can experience several hours of psychological or physical symptoms. Caffeine withdrawal can trigger headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, depression, irritability, concentration difficulties – or in severe cases nausea and vomiting.

3. Impacts your heart health

Caffeine can cause a rapid heartbeat. Especially for people who are prone to anxiety, this may increase the likelihood of panic reactions.

A modest consumption of coffee can lead to rapid breathing and increased stress levels. A faster heart rate can result in an altered heartbeat rhythm. The acidity in certain caffeinated products can also cause heartburn.

4. Results in digestive issues

Not only can too much coffee act as a serious laxative, it’s also believed to worsen acid reflux in some people.

This is because it relaxes the muscle which keeps stomach contents from moving up into the throat. It can also cause indigestion as the blood supply to the intestines is decreased.