Almost two-thirds (60%) of respondents believe that better training is needed in order to reduce sexual harassment at work, according to research by independent workplace organisation the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas).
Sexual harassment in the British workplace: We all know it’s wrong, so why is it so difficult to stop? surveyed 2,017 individuals living in Great Britain, and also found that 44% of respondents think that existing policies and procedures for dealing with sexual harassment need to be updated, while 38% want new policies and procedures to be created. A further third (35%) feel that changes need to be made to legal protections.
Julie Dennis, head of diversity at Acas, said: “It has been one year since the #MeToo movement gained widespread publicity, but our poll reveals that there’s still a long way to go to change British workplace cultures.”
Approximately four in 10 respondents (38%) stated that they would be very likely to report sexual harassment if they personally experienced it in the workplace, and 58% agree that their current employer is doing about the right amount to reduce sexual harassment in their workplace.
Two-fifths (46%) of respondents believe that making changes to the wider culture of their organisation would be effective in preventing sexual harassment.
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Dennis added: “Our study reveals that many [employees] feel their employers are doing enough, but then there’s a big question around why so few of them are likely to report serious incidents to their line manager.
“Businesses need to ensure that workplace environments are safe and welcoming places so that any type of sexual harassment behaviour never sees the light of day. But, if it does happen, then staff should feel confident to report this type of abuse.”