The top 10 most-read articles between 13 August – 19 August 2021

The top 10 most-read stories on between 13 August – 19 August 2021 were:

  1. XPO Logistics Drinks staff vote to strike over pay
  2. HMRC exposes worst minimum wage excuses
  3. More employees want Fridays off than Mondays
  4. Confessions of a benefits manager: Candid gets in training
  5. What employee engagement lessons can the UK learn from across the globe?
  6. Omnipresent engages staff through inspiring values
  7. Willis Towers Watson hires new global CHRO
  8. 71% of workers value other perks over pensions
  9. EXCLUSIVE: 39% of employers support mental health
  10. Infographic: Employee engagement in numbers