Sarah Coles
- Case Studies
The Ashmore Group replaces Sipp with corporate Isa
It launched a corporate Isa in March, as part of a corporate platform, to replace the company’s self-invested personal pension (Sipp). The platform itself had a 100% take-up, because it included the company pension, which is non-contributory and entirely funded by the employer.
- Case Studies
Case study: CPP introduced a corporate Isa to flex
CPP, the card protection company based in York, introduced a corporate Isa to its flexible benefit scheme last year as part of the annual renewal process.
- Analysis
Workplace Savings: Joined-up thinking needed for workplace savings
If you read nothing else, read this...
- Case Studies
Case study: Freshfields staff sign up for greener cars
Law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, an Employee Benefits Awards 2011 runner-up in the category for 'Most effective travel strategy for business and perk car drivers', introduced a green car scheme in 2009 to which it made major changes in 2010.
- Case Studies
Case study: Asda shows value of cars
Asda runs a fleet of more than 700 contract hire cars, but allows staff to opt out and take a cash allowance instead. In the past 12 months, cash allowance takers have been returning to company cars, however.
- Case Studies
Case study: Aviva reward policy pays out
Aviva runs a recognition and motivation scheme called Spotlight that includes senior executives alongside managers and more junior staff.
- Analysis
Mergers & Acquisitions: DB pension liabilities
Defined benefit pension liabilities can play a big part in merger talks, says Sarah Coles
- Case Studies
Case study: E.On empowered by national pension scheme
E.On is a diverse business with a long history of mergers and acquisitions. In the UK, most staff belong to one of three pension plans: career average and final salary arrangements that are closed to new staff, and an open defined contribution (DC) plan.
- Analysis
Pensions governance: Which adviser are you going to call?
If you read nothing else, read this...
- Analysis
Tax changes spur high earners to reconsider pensions
Tax changes for high earners will affect their pension plans and have sparked a search for more tax-efficient investments, says Sarah Coles
- Analysis
E.On focuses energy on unifying benefits package
E.On’s benefits team have been solving the puzzle of drawing together a cohesive perks package for a disparate workforce, says Sarah Coles
- Analysis
Employer profile: Change is the only constant at Cable and Wireless
A demerger is just the latest change at Cable and Wireless, where staff are kept on their toes, says Sarah Coles