Julie Gilbert
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- Case Studies
Syngenta showcases employees' passions through wellbeing week
Agricultural business Syngenta, which has 680 employees at its research and development campus in Bracknell, hosted a wellbeing week that highlighted the skills of its own employees.
- Case Studies
Bromford uses trust-based working as foundation for holistic reward package
Affordable housing social enterprise Bromford uses a holistic benefits package to empower its 1,800 employees to plan for the future, as well as looking after their health, finances and work-life balance in the present.
- Case Studies
BSUH uses health and psychotherapy service to improve staff wellbeing
Donna Butler, lead psychotherapist and HELP service manager at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH), strongly believes that to ensure the professional and compassionate patient care that is expected within the NHS, it is vital to maintain the wellbeing and health of staff.
- Case Studies
Weetabix Food Company tailors benefits platform to employee preferences
In February 2017, cereal manufacturer Weetabix Food Company launched a combined flexible and voluntary benefits platform, to align with the needs of its 1,000 UK-based employees.
- Case Studies
The benefits offered by Weetabix Food Company
The benefits offered by Weetabix Food Company:
- Case Studies
FitFlop puts the feel-good factor into its benefits strategy
Footwear retailer FitFlop has personalised its health and wellbeing strategy by creating its own programme, structured around five key areas.
- Case Studies
ZPG takes a holistic and inclusive approach to its benefits strategy
ZPG brings a holistic and inclusive element to its employee benefits strategy, and strongly believes that one size does not fit all.
- Case Studies
PageGroup incentivises employees to find out more about their flexible benefits package
Recruitment organisation PageGroup has found a fun way of promoting its flexible benefits offering to all 1,500 of its employees, across 25 UK locations.
- Case Studies
Skyscanner keeps employees engaged with bespoke benefits package
Leading global travel search site Skyscanner has found a number of ways to keep its employees at the heart of its strategy; ensuring they remain engaged and happy as well as reflecting its business objectives.
- Analysis
Employee engagement in numbers
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- Article
Luton Airport employees vote for strike action over pay
Employees who are members of trade union Unite and are directly employed by London Luton Airport, are planning to undertake strike action from Friday 25 May 2018 to 6.30 am on Wednesday 30 May 2018, in a dispute over pay and zero hour contracts.
- Article
37% believe stress-related absence has increased over past year
More than one-third (37%) of respondents report that stress-related absence has increased over the past year and only 8% have seen a decrease, according to research by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and SimplyHealth.
- Article
Three UK engages employees with wellbeing benefits strategy
Three UK brings to life its wellbeing strategy by communicating benefits in real life situations for its employees to relate to.
- Article
Chicago restaurant employees earn $2,000 tip
Something for the weekend: A customer dining at a restaurant in Chicago generously gave employees a total of $2,000 in tips.