BT and Royal Mail sign pledge to help staff with arthritis

Employers including BT, Royal Mail and the Work Foundation have committed to Arthritis Care’s ‘Employer’s Pledge’.

The charity is challenging firms to improve the working conditions of thousands of employees with arthritis.

The Employer’s Pledge, which so far covers 190,000 employees, is a statement of commitment which sets out suggestions of best practice, and raises employers’ awareness of how arthritis affects employees.

According to Arthritis Care, there is a direct link between an employer’s support for an employee with arthritis and their ability to stay in work

BT has made improvements to ensure employees with arthritis are properly supported. It scored 97% and took joint first place in the Employers Forum on Disability (EFD) Disability Standard 2009 benchmark.

Helen Chipchase, BT’s disability and employment expert, said: “BT is proud to be supporting Arthritis Care’s Employers’ Pledge.

“This year alone, we have made reasonable adjustments for over 600 BT people through our enable scheme, which means we get to retain their skills, abilities and relationships with our customers, so everybody wins.

“We hope many other employers will sign up to the pledge to show their commitment to improving the working conditions of people with arthritis.”

Neil Betteridge, chief executive of Arthritis Care, said: “We are pleased companies like BT are backing our campaign to urge employers across the country to sign the pledge.

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“Employers play a key role in improving the working conditions for people with arthritis; our research shows symptoms of arthritis are minimised, the more understanding an employer has of arthritis.”

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