Aviva has enhanced its international insurance products to include increases in the overall benefit limit, newborn lifetime cover limit and chronic conditions cover. The products are available for employers to offer to expatriate employees.
The insurance provider has moved a number of benefits into its core cover from its additional cover options. This includes cover for vaccinations which were previously only available to employees purchasing the Wellness Option.
Other optional benefits include an enhanced maternity option; reduced out-patient option for consultations with a specialist; diagnostic tests; surgical procedures and specialist-referred physiotherapy; improvement to dental and optical policies; and new repatriation benefits.†
Aviva has also added StandbyMD, an arrangement giving employees prompt access to a physician offering medical support and advice. The 24-hour healthcare concierge service is available in 4,000 cities, across 86 countries.
Teresa Rogers, international business lead at Aviva UK Health, said: “Global healthcare and needs continually change, particularly in relation to international healthcare provision.
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“By listening to our intermediaries and customers, we have been able to focus on improving the right things. We have enhanced the benefits and support that our customers tell us is most important to them. This not only includes increasing monetary limits, but also adding expert support services such as StandByMD to further improve the peace of mind our customers receive from their policy.”
Read more articles on international healthcare benefits