Healthy eating at work

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A study by the International Labour Office says that workplace nutrition has an affect on employees’ health and productivity.

The study is the first to investigate workplace eating habits worldwide, and states that healthy eating in the workplace can increase productivity at work.

Encouraging healthy eating habits in your staff is a great idea for your company and workplace culture. Ensure that employees always have lots of water available, to keep them hydrated and reduce headaches, as well as keeping energy levels high. You may want to reduce the number of vending machines that offer high salt/sugar snacks, and introduce healthier snacks in their place.

It’s worth thinking how your employee benefits package works in favour of your employees’ health. Health screenings can help identify any problems to your staff so that they’re aware of how they can personally feel healthier and happier. Offering employees education on healthy eating in the form of workshops can provide them with valuable nutritional awareness.

The benefits of healthier eating can include:

  • Better sleep, more energy and higher levels of engagement, meaning better productivity
  • Better wellbeing, which can lead to higher levels of morale in staff
  • Reduced irritability, which can mean improved workplace relationships and stronger teams
  • Less time off sick and improved immune systems
  • Healthier, happier employees can mean improvement in job satisfaction, retaining them for longer

Managing director of The Heath Insurance Group, Brett Hill, says: “At The Health Insurance Group we work closely with organisations such as The Healthy Employee and offer our staff healthy eating workshops to encourage them to eat more healthily. These company-funded healthy eating days are seen as really beneficial by our staff and increase morale and motivation as well as productivity.”

For more information on how Johnson Fleming can help your business get keep it’s staff healthy and happy, please contact our Business Development team on 01527 571 223 or by email [email protected]