Five new ideas to celebrate your L&D Department

By Zachery Wilkinson, Learning and Development Manager  

My colleague Will spoke of some celebrations last week, notably birthdays and little ways to recognise employees. But today, I want to chat about a different kind of celebration: Big and small ways to celebrate changes in your L&D program.

First, let me ask: How well do you know your L&D department? Could you name the team members? How about what they offer to your organisation? Let’s be honest, unless you are in a position that requires annual training for you to complete, you probably have no idea about what exists.

The truth is your L&D team can be your strongest weapon — and greatest advocate — for career development and growth.

It’s why L&D is one of the 10 elements of the Engagement Bridge™, and holds a precious spot in building employee engagement.

At Reward Gateway, our L&D group went through a rebrand. We wanted to put a greater focus on training (one thing I was brought on to handle) and drive engagement and excitement around this initiative. So what did we do?

Click here to find out and to read the blog in full.